Extending Christ's Kingdom in the Anglican Way.

1016 S Elm Ave
Webster Groves, MO 63119
Service Times
Sundays 10:30 am
Wednesdays 6:30 pm
Phone Number
1(314) 918-0070
What to Expect
When you come to Holy Trinity on a Sunday, expect to experience God through the presence of his Spirit as you worship, sing, pray, and spend time with us.
Expect to see some dressed casually in jeans and others dressed formally in jackets and dresses. Come in whatever feels comfortable.
Expect to hear the Bible read. We read several passages from both the Old and New Testaments. The readings are either printed in a worship bulletin or in the Book of Common Prayer, but you’re encouraged to bring your own Bible and follow along. Most of our readings come from the King James Version, but we also use the English Standard Version during the sermon. Bring whatever version is familiar to you.
Expect to worship in a formal, liturgical style, using The Book of Common Prayer and traditional hymns. The words of our service come from the historic prayer books of 1662 and 1928. The service will include Bible readings, a sermon, prayers led from up front, and holy communion.
Expect to celebrate Holy Communion at every Sunday service. We believe that the service of word and sacrament is the ancient pattern of Sunday worship passed down to us from the New Testament apostles. Anyone baptized with water in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is welcome to receive communion at our church.
Expect to meet caring and friendly people with diverse backgrounds and experience.
Expect to see people of all ages in worship; we have newborns, toddlers, school age children, teens, young and middle age adults, parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents in our congregation, all worshiping God together on Sunday morning.
Children are always welcome in our service. Don’t be surprised to hear a baby or toddler add their thoughts to the service. Younger kids sometimes need a break and parents are welcome to take them downstairs to play for a bit before rejoining the service. Soon we will offer a children’s church option during the middle portion of the main service.
Expect to hear biblical sermons preached from one or more of the lessons. We follow a one-year cycle of biblical readings from all portions of the Bible called the lectionary. Many other churches use a similar set of lessons on the same Sunday.
Coffee Hour and Luncheons
Expect to join us after the service for coffee and snacks downstairs most weeks. Usually on the first Sunday of the month we have a bigger luncheon with lots of great food. Eating together is a great time for us to get to know one another and to share the ups and downs of life.

Holy Trinity is in the process of starting up a new choir. Stay tuned for further details